Ed Khouri
Ed is a pastoral counselor who has been working with hurting people for four decades.
He has a B.A. in Behavioral and Social Sciences and his Master’s Program was at the University of Florida. He was ordained in 1988 and is the Director of Equipping Hearts.
Ed has worked extensively as a counselor, trainer, and writer. He has worked with substance abusers and their families in diverse settings, including outpatient counseling, jails, transitional housing for homeless addicts, and in all phases of residential treatment.
As a trainer, he leads workshops in churches and ministries to help equip workers to serve men and women who are hurting in his community. He has helped develop the curriculum used in Christ-centered and state-licensed treatment programs.
Ed is also the Life Group Coordinator for his church and has developed new grace-based training materials to equip leaders for small group ministry. Ed and his wife, Maritza, lead regular training and mentoring groups for leaders in their local community.
Ed is also the co-author of the book, Joy Starts Here.

Ed Khouri's Resources

Call of the Harvesters
Ed Khouri shares from John 4 how Jesus worked with a very dysfunctional woman from a seriously dysfunctional town. It is the story of how God loves to choose weak, broken, foolish and despised people - transform their lives - and then turn them loose to change the way their entire culture works. This is the call of Jesus for all of us today. He's not looking for the "best and the brightest." He's wanting to choose the people that nobody else particularly wants or cares for to do incredible things. In this story, Jesus meets a woman with an addiction in a town with a bad reputation, (where none of the "good people" wanted to go) turns her life upside down, and then turns her loose on her entire community. One of the interesting things about Jesus' encounter with the woman, is that he ran into just about every argument that anyone with an addiction tends to throw in the face of someone who is trying to help. It is really interesting to see how Jesus responded to all her defense mechanisms.

Becoming a Face of Grace
Grace is nothing if not relational. So why don't we see it more? The chasm between grace believed and grace lived results from a faulty definition of the word. In Becoming a Face of Grace, Ed Khouri explains that grace means so much more than forgiveness of sins or "unmerited favor." It actually serves as the basis of how we attach to God and others. When we embrace the true biblical definition of grace, we - Enjoy spiritual transformation for the long haul, - Engage in healthier relationships, free from codependency, - Experience deeper intimacy with God and others, - Encounter real joy. Complete with simple practices, spiritual exercises, and activities-perfect for reflection and group discussion. God's face of grace is waiting to change your life and relationships.

I'm Wired for Relationships
Our Brains are Wired for Relationships, but... ...things can negatively affect our brains and short circuit our relationships. In God's design, our greatest joy and source of pleasure was intended to be found in relationship, so we should understand: God's design for our brain; What happens when our brain gets hijacked; How to recognize when we are relationally engaged and when we are not; Why addictions are formed How to retrain our brains for thriving relationships. Get this signature resource on DVD from Ed Khouri.
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The Pandora Problem Companion Guide
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