Dr. Karl Lehman
Helping people connect with the living presence of Jesus is Dr. Karl Lehman’s lifework.
Dr. Lehman is a board-certified psychiatrist with thirty years and more than forty thousand hours of clinical experience. He has worked tenaciously throughout his career to integrate his personal Christian faith with medical science, modern mental health care, and his rigorous scientific training; and he has especially worked to integrate faith-based emotional healing with insights provided by psychological and neurological research.
Working closely with Dr. E. James Wilder, Dr. Lehman developed the Immanuel Approach.
The approach enables people to maintatin a life-giving connection to the God who is with us, Immanuel, resolve painful past experiences, and enjoy the abundant life Christ promised.

Karl Lehman's Resources

Immanuel Approach
The Immanuel Approach weaves together stories, teaching, and helpful instructions for helping people establish an experiential and healing interactive connection with God. This book is the most comprehensive guide to the Immanuel Approach for Emotional Healing and for Life and was written by the primary developer of this approach, Dr. Karl Lehman.

Outsmarting Yourself
Ever wonder why you sometimes don’t like the people you love? Why some disagreements seem impossible to resolve? Why certain small problems are so upsetting? And what can you do about it? Outsmarting Yourself provides realistic, psychologically sound, and Christ-centered tools for becoming a joyful, life-giving person with thriving relationships.
- Eighteen Short Lectures
- Sixteen Live Ministry Demonstrations
- Ten Practice Exercises
- Answers to 50 Frequently Asked Questions
Teaching Series
These six teaching DVDs provide foundational information about the Immanuel Approach.
Understand the the approach, how it works, and how to use it to help others!
Live Ministry Series
The Immanuel Approach works! See for yourself as Dr. Karl Lehman uses the Immanuel Approach in live sessions.
This series provides proof of concept, a depth of understanding, and training for those who wish to help others.

NEW SESSION: After years of intense resistance and avoidance, Diane has her very first IA session. The persistent fear that she is just making things up with her own mind and a memory-anchored fear of cooperating with the structured process are resolved and Diane is able to perceive Jesus’ presence.
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The Pandora Problem Companion Guide
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