Maribeth Poole

Maribeth’s heart is easily captured by the wounded, overlooked and those mis-perceived as unimportant or misfits. She enjoys watching God tenderly and powerfully help people through recovery.

Maribeth’s holistic ministry approach is centered in God’s design for our brains and His Word concerning relationships. She covers current and past trauma, relationships, spirituality and the emotional maturity process. She has specialized training in brain development and healing the effects of sexual abuse, dissociation, ritual abuse and church relationships.

Maribeth counseled 15 years for Shepherd’s House. During her years of practice she co-authored the book Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You, which has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide.

Maribeth was born in Nigeria to missionary parents. She attended a missionary boarding school through 9th grade finishing High School in the U.S. She has a BS degree from Columbia Bible College and her masters in Biblical Counseling from Grace Theological Seminary. She likes people, animals, nature and reading.

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Maribeth Poole's Resources


Attune to Attach

Developing the skills needed to attune with one another. A course to prepare us to love one another wisely. Learn how to grow an ever increasing earned secure attachment through attuning with one another. This course prepares us to love one another wisely by developing our attunement and attachment skills. Better understand God's design as we become aware of how we have been relationally compromised and how to restore one another in love. This course is one in a series designed to help us understand God’s design. We become aware of how we have been relationally compromised and how to restore one another in love. Attuning builds the groundwork for close and safe relationships. A good relational attachment pattern enables us to heal from trauma and become emotionally mature.


Transitions to Transformations

Become the person God made you to be and learn to be emotionally “street wise”. We are designed for intimacy, empathy, finding solutions and resilience with moral integrity. Learn how to interact with God and each other and understand how to have and share life through each transition. There are often negative emotions throughout life and you will learn how to handle them so that you will have the ability to receive and give love. There will be practical lessons on how to “re-wire” your brain within a safe community. The exercises provide detailed steps to repair, heal and grow your mind and soul. Often important brain skills are missed during development from infancy and on. You will get the opportunity to learn these incredible skills and fill in those areas that were missed.

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Narcissism Among Us

"Narcissism Among Us" is a layperson's guide to understanding the causes and characteristics of narcissism, avoiding potential mine fields, setting boundaries, building courage, and knowing when it is time to walk away from relationships that are abusive if there is no likelihood of change. Maribeth Poole reminds us that we are ALL created in the image of God and, as such, have value. The challenge is getting the narcissist to embrace this and become the person whom God intended him to be - not someone who feels the need to boast and bully in order to be seen and heard. This course is one in a series designed to help us understand God’s design. We become aware of how we have been relationally compromised and how to restore one another in love. Attuning builds the groundwork for close and safe relationships. A good relational attachment pattern enables us to heal from trauma and become emotionally mature.


Joyful Beginnings

An Eighteen-Month Calendar to Help Parents: Build a joyful, thriving child Help your child have hope, inner peace, and rest in the future Develop a secure and confident child Teach your child how to have meaningful, intimate relationships Model for your child how to navigate well through the struggles that come in life "The emotional part of your child's brain develops first in the first 18 months, so I have included descriptions of the brain's growth and many ideas parents, grandparents and caregivers can use in relating to your child which will allow her to become a joyful, secure, and confident person. - It is my hope that you will keep track of your baby's accomplishments and record them on this calendar as you joyfully bond." Maribeth Poole, Author. This illustrated and colorful calendar makes a great gift!

Similar Resources

Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You

Discover a model for life-giving community that develops strong maturity in multigenerational communities and equips members with needed relational skills. This edition includes additional resources designed for small group study.

Joyful Journey:
Listening to Immanuel

Experiencing God's presence brings healing, peace, and connection.

Learn to practice God's presence every day and enjoy daily guidance and friendship with God.

The Pandora Problem
by Dr. Jim Wilder

Discover a new paradigm for dealing with narcissism in leaders and ourselves. Dr. Jim Wilder contends the solution is not individualized therapy but identity groups that help each other learn to love our enemies.

The Pandora Problem Companion Guide

Find practical discussion questions, exercises, and applications for groups to study and takle the problem of narcissism together. Each chapter includes a Leader's Guide, as well as beginner and intermediate tracks for participants.

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